Bier gardens
Grohe Brauerei
Nieder-ramstã¤dter-str.3, tel: 06151/425255 fax: 06151/716644, ( a smaller traditional brewery. it has its own tavern, where you can drink the freshly brewed beer, and eat typical local foods. it is in the nieder-ramstã¤dter-straãe 3, and can easily be reached by tram or by foot from the city center. the beer is also available for sale in bottles or barrels. many locals believe that this is the best beer available in darmstadt.
(http://www.ratskeller-dar...). a tavern located in the city center, at the market place, brew their own beer, which is also very tasty. the tavern is in the cellar vault of an older building and has a nice, traditional atmosphere. everyday only in winter between 5.30 and 6.30pm there is the "schoppestund" it's a happy hour where you can get a freshly brewed beer or dark beer for 1.50 eur. it's definitely worth a try.
Hesse's national drink, apple cider Apfelwein, or, in the local dialect, "Ãbbelwoi", is very popular here too. It is available in pure form, or blended with sparkling water "sauer gespritzt" or lemonade "süà gespritzt". Foreigners not used to the unusual taste it is much more sour and less sweet than the cider common in other countries might want to try the version blended with lemonade first.